Friday, December 25, 2009

Back again

Well, it's almost the new year and here I am, back from my absence! Got good things in the works now that I have some real time to my self! I'm working on a web page, a forum and this blog, naturally. Hope every one has a good week end!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week end Blues

Greetings! I have much to say here! ^_^

My week end was full of events that may be just interesting enough to tell you all about. I'll start with Saturday.

Each year my home town has a day long music festival all along our main street called Blues Fest. Because our (Meaning mom and dad's) house is situated along the main street we get to hear all the music, see all the buses go from the event to the fair grounds where people camp, and all of the other things that are associated with this boisterous and profitable event. In fact it's so full of people and the music is so loud you could sit in our back yard and just enjoy it from there!

So we left town.

We went to an arboretum in another city for most of the day. (Arboretum = big tree park) Now this place is set in side of a city just along the free way as you enter city limits. But because the free way is elevated above the park by a steep embankment you can't really tell what it is when you drive by. It's also a little tricky to get to if you don't know the rodes there well. This gives it a more privet feel than you would think it could have for where it's located. And despite roaring traffic only ten feet from the fence that lines one of the walk ways in side the park is wonderfully quiet.

People come here and enjoy picnics, naps, long strolls along it's little crick, and the wild life. The wild life is one of my favorite things to see in this park and this week end I was treated to quite the nature show! As soon as we arrived my mother (Bless her "I-want-tradition-always-no-matter-how-you-feel" little soul) wanted to find the spot where we always end up setting up the day camp. She grabs a hand full of things and the rest of us pack the heavy stuff behind her. I was irritated and, after dropping my stuff of next to "Close enough" with out being "To far away" I walked off to catch my breath by the little water fall. This is where I got my first bit of nature. ^_^

Last year my brother and I were delighted to see an adorable little duck couple swimming about and having a wonderful day in the pond below the little water fall. I looked for the adorable duo but I didn't see any sign of them. Standing at the shore I noticed a pen in the water and was debating going in after it to clean up the water line when I saw some thing else. It looked like a tangle of rope or cloth, like some one had dropped a dirty yellow jacket. Frowning I bent closer to see if it was cloth, or maybe a rope, when I realized it's yellow was in a pattern. A diamond pattern. I leaned a little closer and as my eyes refocus on it it moved. No scratch that, it slithered.

What I had in front of me was no dirty jacket, but a shimmering brown and white corn snake. I was startled and jumped back, having not expected this "Cloth" to be moving about, but after I realized what it was I was delighted. Half of me wanted to pick it up and give it a closer look, but the other half, the sensible half, argued that I don't handle a lot of snakes and I didn't want to hurt it. Or, by way of inexperience, have it bite me. So I watched as it made a tongue flicking, light dancing, slid down in to the water. I was happy, I think I made the right decision not to handle him. Just because I've seen Steve Erwin with snakes on TV does not mean I can imitate him.

Satisfied I walked back to the day camp spot and tried to excite my family about my find. No one was paying to much attention. Partly because they were more interested in the ground squirrels they hoped to feed, and partly because some one who had been in charge of packing lunch had not brought any thing salty. Now normally we Americans have enough salt in our diet to kill a number of non Americans, but our bodies have adapted some what and on a hot day we loose salt fast when we sweat. We were all ready quite hot at that point and along with the gallons of water we were guzzling some potato chips would have been fantastic.

Making do with what we had every one instinctively grabbed a jelly sandwich, rather than a honey sandwich. Presumably because jelly has a higher salt content than honey, no matter how honey is processed. After a quick feed my brother and I went for a walk. It wasn't long before we were surrounded by nature.

Squirrels darted from burrow to burrow with tails held high and flicking. One young specimen crawled, army style, trough the grass from scratched out ditch to scratched out ditch. He pulled him self in to one depression and peered over the inch tall mound of earth to see if any unfriendly members of another squirrel tribe were in the aria. Then the little fluffy commando crawled on to the next depression. Here again he stopped and peered over the edge with keen eyes and an explosion of sniffs and whisker shakes. It was a stretch to his home burrow, and he took a moment to gather him self up before EXPLODING out of his little fox hole! He raced straight over the ground and past little depressions to small for even him self to hide in before slamming in to the earth around his own burrow. Down he went only to pop back up in an instant, all a quiver and twitching. Again he surveyed the world, safe. For the moment.

I looked over the park ground my self and saw dozens of ground squirrel racing about and chasing each other for scraps of food or an inch of territory. In the city paper they had said the populations had swelled over our snow bound winter and measures had been taken to reduce the population. I wondered if the snake had been one of those measures, or simply a wandering soul that had found sanctuary here among the trees and flowers.

In any case the quivering creature at my feet was still eying his land with the up-0most caution and alert. I quietly wished him luck as my bro and I went on to see how far along the crabapple trees had come.

After the trees, and a quick stop at the bathroom, my brother and I wandered deeper still and I spotted wild life number three. A lumbering creature with a light brown coat and a dark black head was strolling with out a care in the world fifty yards in front of us. I'd not taken the binoculars, and from where I stood, and the sad state of my eyes being what they were, I could not tell if what I was seeing was in fact a badger or a porcupine. Though for it's size I doubt a porcupine would be that light in color. My brother, ever the photographer, snapped several pictures before it lumbered off.

My brother is good at taking pictures, you see, and this tree park is one of his most favorite places to go. Standing next to me with knees bent and socked feet in brown sandals he looked quite the tourist. A wild Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts were punctuated by a wide brimmed hat that has mesh vents to cool the head. Ad one LARGE digital camera and one LARGE film camera a hanging from his neck and shoulders and you have some thing nearly as fascinating to watch as the animals them selves.

The funny part is he wasn't the only one dressed EXACTLY LIKE THAT in the park that day. He clams it's some sort of informal photographer uniform. I think it may be an occupational fashion anomaly. If you are trying to sneak up on badgers and squirrels would not you wish to dress a little more quietly?

I have to shake my head some times.

At 3/4's of the way to the end of the park along the gravel path I saw what I thought may be deer tracks. I pointed a smudged depression out, but my brother was not convinced. Then I saw a very clear track and gave my surroundings a good look. If snakes and badgers and porcupines could all live here (My family HAD seen a porcupine in a previous visit) then it was reasonable to think three or four dee may be able to dwell in the park for a time. It had water, wild scrub along one edge to sleep in during the day, and a whole lot of food. Again, my brother was more or less unconvinced any deer would live there. Though he was interested in the tracks now. We moved on.

Bu the end of the park we came to the covered gazebo and sat down for a rest. Here is where I encountered wild life number three. Mosquitoes. Not just any mosquitoes, enormous dive bombing creatures that could suck you dry in only a couple of hours. In a frenzy of panicked slaps and new found paranoia I moved on. My brother is some how immune to them critters. Maybe it's the soap he uses. I am not immune, however and as we made out way back the bumps and itch came on. Horrible. I wanted a can of off. Or maybe those new clip on things. Id have worn enough to look like a off season Christmas tree, but I would have been SAFE from the vampire incests of doom!

On the walk back, with scratching and slapping punctuating the sounds of our feet on the gravel, some thing caught my eye. I paused in my anti malaria fight to peer down ad a wonderful chunk of road glass. Scooping it up and giving it a rub with my shirt I saw it had a vibrant lavender color. I promptly declared it MY SHINNY and we moved on.

It wasn't long after that we got back to day camp and there my mother told us we had missed all the fun. A mule deer had come prancing along the edge of the park not long after we had left. I gave my brother a smirk and the old "Told ya so". He was STILL unconvinced they'd be here in any numbers.

It didn't matter to my by then we'd stopped moving and I realized I was about to die from the heat. It's funny how you don't notice how hot you are till you hit the shade. I flopped down on a blanket I brought and tried to take a nap. However my brother wanted my blanket and, rather than just take it from me out right he laid down near my feet. I gave him a glare and he flashed me an innocent look. Relaxing I turned away and closed my eyes. A suspicious shuffling from behind me gave me cause to turn back. Still grinning like a buffoon he was an inch or two closer.

"Stop it." I said, as if that would have ended it all then and there. Oh fools us sisters are, thinking we can stifle the naughty out of younger brothers with one sentence. He snickered and I turned back to nap.

More shuffling and a tug at the corner of my blanket. Which made my pocket stab me with glass. I remembered my shiny and reached for it to show Dad. He admired it's violet hue, remarking on how the sun turns clear glass purple after a while- another blanket tug- and how this must have sat out for a long time. I took it back and looked it over as it sparkled in the sun.

Suddenly a corner of my blanket was sliding out from under me. I grabbed strong hold of the rest as my dad started to play with my cell phone. He asked me why it was in camera mode and I had to excuse my self for a moment, some one was steeling my blanket/pillow. I hugged it tight and rolled alligator style. Again Steve Erwin popped in to my head and in a quiet voice I could hear him crying "Chriky! She'd going in to a death Roll! Look out mates! She'll take yer' arm clean off!"

My brother gave a strangled yep and I rolled up on top of him and reclaimed my blanket. As a nice little bonus I also had a new napping spot. I fluffed up my blankly and settled in to nap on top of my brother. Who despite being younger than me is quite a bit larger. I knew I'd do him no harm. He gave a defeated groan and laid flat.

Dad took a picture with my phone, still on it's camera setting.

After a while and much more relaxing my brother and dad had figured out all of my phone's magic and it was time for a nap. My brother had no pillow so only my mom dad and I slept. We had more in the car if he wanted one, but no, he'd rather sit and act miserable and read. It was actually sort of nice to know some one was still awake while the rest of us slept in a city we did not live in. Even if it was brad day light and in a safe aria one can never be too careful.

After the nap and a feeding of the squirrels- an event I can only describe as fluffy insanity with PBnJ- we were once again awake and nearing the time to go home. Then, as if in a parting gesture, my mother pointed and said "Look! Deer!"

Ad lo it was! A mother and her two spotted fawns were bounding by near the scrub line. One enthusiastic fawn raced ahead while the second stuck tight to it's mother. My brother started to take pictures as fast as he could, but did not have the right lens. Fortunately the Deer's instinct caused her to stop at the edge of the cover and look out over the open grass aria. Like the squirrel going from miniature fox hole to miniature fox hole she took ad vantage of her surroundings to look for danger. The snake may not posse as a threat. But the road near by with it's cars did. A quick lens change and my brother got his shot. And like a shot she was gone.

"Four deer. I was right."

"Shut up and give me your blanket."

All I could do was give him a saucy grin.

And that was just one of my exciting days this week end! I'll have to report back for Sunday, the day I was left behind! DX The day I nearly died in the heat!


Friday, July 10, 2009

A game in the works.

I've been interested in MMOs for many years and now, with a time crunch on my hands, I'm finally motivated to make one. It will be a platform capture the flag sort of game with a number of bases and goals for each team to reach.

Here are the sprites for the game, or one colored version of them any way...

There will be 9 colors, one for each "Team". Each team will have it's own advantage over the other either in how you play or the items you can get at your home base.

I will post my work on the tile sets soon. I hope you'll all like them! <3

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ah, hello again my many non readers, greetings and salutations!

I had nearly abandoned this blog, but due to circumstances quite beyond my control for the next 11 weeks or so I am going to use this blog to launch my on-line art empire. Why 11 weeks? Because that's when the restaurant where I work will "Transition" to catering. Meaning in short I'll be quite out of a job!

I know, I'm FREAKING OUT! *Runs in small yet violent circles* TOTALLY FREAKING OUT!

*Takes a calming breath*

OK, sorry, back to the point of this blog entry. While I have time to still generate a "Real" income I'm planning on building up not only this blog but my new art web page as well.

You can see it here...

It's not much to look at now but in a hand full of weeks, nay, days, I hope to have it looking like a REAL web page with spiffy graphics and interesting links! I will be taking art commissions and uploading at least one page of a comic a week.

I'll also be trying my hardest to figure out how to use AdSense. Wish me MUCH luck there!

So, in short, my life will be up ended very soon and I'm trying to prepare for it with an online income. I will be looking for "Real jobs" as I do this, but if all else fails I'm at YOUR mercy, good people of the Internet! So I'll be looking forward to interacting with all of you soon!

If you are interested in commissions my Email is!

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Web site!

I have a web page created for my art shop! And I have 3 new commissions! That brings me to 5!



I have a LOT of tinkering to do on the web site, but I think I'll have fun doing that. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First post

Greetings! This is my first post for a blog that I've created to go along with my internet art shop.

You can expect to see art done in my personal and ever evolving style, pixel art, and random photos now and then.

I plan on making at least a few cute mascots for the shop/blog as well. ^_^ But we'll see.

Wish me luck!

TT Snim